As with everything involved with the Doyle Club the committee is somewhat secretive. We do not like to publicise all the good work we do on behalf of the membership but we obviously know it is greatly appreciated.
The committee is responsible for all day to day and strategic management duties required to run the most successful network in London and let me tell you it is a pretty onerous responsibility looking after our nearly 2,800 members and their individual foibles. The committee is currently made up of 5 members:
The Chairman Brad
The Senior Vice Chairman Mark
The Vice Chairmen Tracey, Paul and Tim (aka Basil)
And between them they look after the myriad requirements of managing the premier network club in London.
Of course in keeping with the traditions of the Doyle Club – the committee is unelected and the position is held for life or until the incumbent gets fed up or too old to attend meetings.
There are no committee meetings and no minutes so don’t bother to ask what goes on because we are as much in the dark as you are. There are no elections and replacements for the current incumbents will be carefully selected by the current committee to ensure continuity in the appropriate manner, epitomised by our founder Joe Doyle, Chairman Brad’s aspirations and our history.